welome to the beautifully balanced


Cosy conversations on living your most naturally vibrant life, through the lens of Ayurveda & Functional Medicine.

EP 9: If You’re Going to Drink Alcohol, do it Like This
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP 9: If You’re Going to Drink Alcohol, do it Like This

Today, I'll share an Ayurvedic perspective on drinking. You'll have the opportunity to learn your dosha (your unique body-mind constitution!). Then you'll discover what type of drink is best for you based on your unique mind-body style. I'll also give you 3 simple tips to follow, so you can enjoy a drink mindfully, while still prioritizing your gut, sleep, and hormones.

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EP 8: What’s Your Digestive Style?
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP 8: What’s Your Digestive Style?

Each of us has a unique digestive style that informs how our body metabolizes and processes all of our food and drink.

Have you ever wondered why some people can eat spicy food all day and never get heartburn, while others simply look at a jar of salsa or a glass of red wine and their GERD flares-up?

Or why some people get full after just a few bites and others don’t seem to have an “off” switch? Well, it all comes down to your digestive style!

In this episode, I'll describe each of the 4 digestive styles. You'll find out which type is yours, then get 3 easy tips to support your unique gut style, instead of working against it!

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EP 7: The Problem with Most Salads and Protein Bars - and What to Do Instead
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP 7: The Problem with Most Salads and Protein Bars - and What to Do Instead

Are your healthy salads and bars making you bloated, constipated, and slowing down your metabolism? If you are anything like me, and hundreds of my clients, they probably ARE!

In this episode, we'll discuss why these foods are problematic for your gut, and what to do instead. I'll give you helpful tips on how to make your salads and bars more healthy and digestible. So, if you want to keep eating them, you'll know how to do it in the best possible way for your body.

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EP 6: Is Your “Healthy” Smoothie Slowing Down Your Metabolism?
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP 6: Is Your “Healthy” Smoothie Slowing Down Your Metabolism?

In this episode, we'll discuss why these things are problematic and what to do instead. I'll also give you helpful tips about HOW to make your smoothie more healthy and digestible. So, if you want to keep drinking them, you'll know how to do it in the best possible way for your body.

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EP 5: How Your Gut ACTUALLY Works
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP 5: How Your Gut ACTUALLY Works

In this episode, we'll demystify "GUT HEALTH": a trendy term which we hear thrown around all the time… but we barely understand - and no one is giving us real solutions. Today you'll learn how your gut actually works:

  • What it does and how it does it, and

  • What you can do daily to make it work better.

You’ll understand it from a both a western medical and an Ayurvedic & Holistic lens….

I’ll teach you how to apply simple tips in real life to get rid of symptoms like: bloating, gas, acid reflux, constipation, loose urgent stools, IBS-type alternating, and food sensitivities.

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EP 4: Treating Your Root Causes (Part 2)
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP 4: Treating Your Root Causes (Part 2)

Experience lasting relief, deep healing, and vibrance, by treating your root causes instead of merely "band-aiding" symptoms with pills.

Ayurvedic Doctor Vasant Lad says, "When we medicate away a symptom without addressing its root causes, we complicate a disease instead of healing it".

In this episode and last week's, we'll begin to understand what our symptoms are telling us. In this way we view our body as intelligent, wise, and valuable, rather than as a nuisance who is not behaving the way we want it to. When we do this, we learn and understand and can respond in a loving, appropriate and effective way.

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EP. 3: Uncovering Your Root Causes for Deep Healing
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP. 3: Uncovering Your Root Causes for Deep Healing

When we treat our root causes instead of merely "band-aiding" symptoms, the beautiful benefits just keep rolling in: effortless weight loss, an internal sense of calm, glowing skin, increased metabolism, confidence, energy, and more.

It's time to get to the roots of issues, and stop merely treating symptoms with pills.

Our modern healthcare system's "Pill for an Ill" quick fix is NOT working, and women have more chronic diseases now than ever. Not to mention: more anxiety, overwhelm, autoimmune conditions, and a significantly reduced quality of life.

We have to shift the paradigm in our healthcare system, and it starts with each individual: and that means you.

In this episode (and in next week's follow-up episode) we'll discuss the 9 common root causes for every condition under the sun: from autoimmune disease to obesity, PCOS, and more.

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EP. 2: Drink THIS Every Morning for a Big Metabolic Boost!
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP. 2: Drink THIS Every Morning for a Big Metabolic Boost!

Want to start-off your day with a healthy AM poop, a gentle digestive detox, and a metabolic boost - plus some bonus energy and skin support for a youthful glow? This simple morning shift has absolutely transformed the digestion and energy of hundreds of my clients.

It also played a huge role in my gut-healing journey - which took me from constipation, food sensitivities and anxiety - to healthy daily bowel movements, no more issues with gluten, nuts, or dairy, and more digestive comfort and ease, which has greatly reduced my anxiety. Remember the gut and brain are connected!

Here I'll give you the ancient wisdom and modern science behind the timing and temperature of your morning drinks, and the game-plan to start this new health-upgrading habit TOMORROW.

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EP. 1: The 2 Most Powerful Tools for your Holistic Health
Sarah Teeple Sarah Teeple

EP. 1: The 2 Most Powerful Tools for your Holistic Health

Health and happiness aren’t found in a bottle of prescription pills – or with any fad diet… instead learn the 2 secrets to activate your body’s natural ability to heal itself: 1) the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, and 2) the modern science of Functional medicine.

I’m Sarah Teeple, a Women’s Integrative Health Practitioner, and I'll teach you how to blend an east-meets-west health approach to heal your gut, rebalance your hormones, and calm anxiety, naturally.

Digestive issues like heartburn and IBS, hormonal issues like infertility, PCOS, and perimenopause, and anxiety and sleep issues can all be treated naturally. It just takes an informed, personalized approach, and that is what we are going to create together.

I’ll teach you the smart, sustainable, personalized and FUN way to use nutrition herbs, and healthy lifestyle way to feel vibrant, energized and beautiful inside and out.

This episode will lay the foundation for sustainable, vibrant health. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

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