EP 8: What’s Your Digestive Style?


Each of us has a unique digestive style that informs how our body metabolizes and processes all of our food and drink.

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Have you ever wondered why some people can eat spicy food all day and never get heartburn, while others simply look at a jar of salsa or a glass of red wine and their GERD flares-up?

Or why some people get full after just a few bites and others don’t seem to have an “off” switch? Well, it all comes down to your digestive style!

In this episode, I'll describe each of the 4 digestive styles. You'll find out which type is yours, then get 3 easy tips to support your unique gut style, instead of working against it!

This Ayurvedic concept is one of the most simple yet health-enhancing things you can learn. Understanding my "style" took me from chronically constipated, and having digestive pains and bloating daily, even though I was eating what the wellness industry would consider "perfectly".... to having smooth, easy digestion, and a healthy bowel movement every morning. Not to mention staying at my ideal weight easily - a welcomed side-benefit :)

As always if you have questions, please come find me at www.sarahteeple.com ! You can schedule a free holistic chat and tell me what you're working on right now. I always love to hear from you, and to support you in your journey.

Sarah Teeple

Teeple Holistic

The best of modern nutrition science, Functional Medicine, and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to heal your gut, balance your hormones, and calm your anxiety. So can live light, free, happy, and healthy. 


EP 9: If You’re Going to Drink Alcohol, do it Like This


EP 7: The Problem with Most Salads and Protein Bars - and What to Do Instead