EP 5: How Your Gut ACTUALLY Works


Get ready to understand your gut and metabolism in a new practical way that actually makes sense!

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In this episode, we'll demystify "GUT HEALTH": a trendy term which we hear thrown around all the time… but we barely understand - and no one is giving us real solutions.

Today you'll learn how your gut actually works:

  • What it does and how it does it, and

  • What you can do daily to make it work better.

You’ll understand it from a both a western medical and an Ayurvedic & Holistic lens…. I’ll teach you how to apply simple tips in real life to get rid of symptoms like: bloating, gas, acid reflux, constipation, loose urgent stools, IBS-type alternating, and food sensitivities.


  • The exact number of calories or fat grams

  • Ratio of macronutrients

  • Your dietary “label” – GF, DF, paleo, keto, vegan

It’s the HOW:

  • Timing of meals

  • Temperature of foods

  • Attitude with which we eat

So, today we’ll end with 3 real, life crucial tips that will have you feeling:

  • Lighter, more energized,

  • Less bloated, within a week, and

  • Easily maintaining your ideal weight and minimizing food sensitivities for the long haul

As always, come see me at www.sarahteeple.com to learn more or book a free holistic chat! I always love connecting with you.

Sarah Teeple

Teeple Holistic

The best of modern nutrition science, Functional Medicine, and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to heal your gut, balance your hormones, and calm your anxiety. So can live light, free, happy, and healthy. 


EP 6: Is Your “Healthy” Smoothie Slowing Down Your Metabolism?


EP 4: Treating Your Root Causes (Part 2)