Hormones.. that word doesn't have to make you shudder with dismay. Our hormones can be our best friends, not our worst enemies.
Today, we'll talk simple tips to make that shift.
Every aspect of your life influences your hormonal health - from genetics to gut health, to your job, relationships, your self - talk, your home and personal care products, and more.
As women in our culture – and with our doctors – we are often dismissed or told that our discomfort, pain, fertility issues, mood and energy fluctuations are all normal, no big, deal, “just buck up” etc…
We currently have an epidemic of hormonal imbalance… that manifests as painful periods, conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, fertility issues, slow and daunting perimenopause, filled with weight gain and hot flashes, and so much more. But it does not have to be this way!
We can reconnect with our bodies, tune-in and listen compassionately, and solve many of these hormonal issues ourselves, without the PILL or hysterectomies as our only options!
In episodes #s 27 and 28, I’ll empower you with my top 4 tips get more aligned with your body’s wisdom and rhythms, and help your hormones work FOR you not against you.
Are you ready to reboot your gut, metabolism, and hormones, and melt away anxiety naturally, to live your best life?
Learn about my signature 3 month program: Beautifully Balanced HERE! Or click HERE to book a zero-pressure Free Holistic Chat, and tell me what you're working on. I love hearing from you!