EP 21: The 3 Simple Ayurvedic Rituals I Incorporate Every Day, Without Exception


If you don't do anything else - do this.... In today's episode I am sharing my top 3 simple and 100% CRUCIAL tips to reset your body into a mode of natural healing.

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I wish I could go back to my 20s and start these practices then! But alas, we live and learn, and now I get to share these life-changing rituals with you. Try them on in your life, starting today, and witness an energy and metabolic boost, deeper sleep, enhanced moods, and so much more.

Spoiler alert: this isn't about eating a perfect diet or working out "x" number of hours each week. It isn't even about the perfect herbs or meditation for your dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha - and if you don't know yours yet, take my quick quiz and find out HERE).

It's all about rhythm. Creating a flow in your day and your LIFE. By practicing these 3 strategies regularly we create a dependable, grounded foundation of vibrant health. This cues your physiology to turn down the inflammation and calm the overactive nervous system (both of which impede digestion and accelerate aging).

So, listen and absorb this ancient wisdom, and be open to how this new (simple) flow could change your mind, body, and spirit. Then, put it to work in your life. You can do it! Slow, incremental change is the way to true transformation.

Want to dive deeper, together?

Come visit me https://www.sarahteeple.com/ to learn more about working with me.

Or click ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. I love hearing from you!

Sarah Teeple

Teeple Holistic

The best of modern nutrition science, Functional Medicine, and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to heal your gut, balance your hormones, and calm your anxiety. So can live light, free, happy, and healthy. 


EP 22: How to Use Lab Testing to Finally Get to the Bottom of Your Symptoms


EP 20: Dark Chocolate Cravings - What They Mean and How to Choose the Best